Esthetics, resistance to fracture or chipping, resistance to marginal discoloration, and wear resistance of the restoration and opposing dentition rated excellent.

Esthetics, resistance to fracture or chipping, resistance to marginal discoloration, and wear resistance of the restoration and opposing dentition rated excellent (Figure 3). A few patients experienced minor to moderate postoperative sensitivity. None of the restorations debonded.


All of the 160 NexxZrTMT restorations rated excellent at placement. Minor occlusal adjustment was required for 4% of the restorations. At six-month recall, all of the 25 restorations were rated excellent. None of the restorations had fractured or chipped. A few patients reported minor to moderate sensitivity. None of the restorations debonded. NexxZrTMT received a 98% clinical rating at the six-month recall.

By Sagemax


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